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Raw rules

droid allows the usage of a plain SIEM/EDR query instead of Sigma in the detection field. This feature was implemented to make the use of a platform's advanced search while keeping Sigma's metadata.


First, decide where these rules will remain. For instance, these rules can remain at the following path: rules/raw. If you have multiple SIEM/EDR, you can create a subdirectory to split the rules by platform, for instance: rules/raw/siem1.

Finally, set the path in your configuration file. droid will use the argument -r and check if the path matches


raw_rules_directory = "rules/raw"

sigma_validation_config = "validation/validate.yml"

In the above example base configuration file, if we're using droid -cf droid_config.toml -r rules/raw/splunk -p splunk -i droid will match rules/raw and will enable the raw rules features.


To use a plain SIEM/EDR search query, just replace the Sigma's detection field as the following:

title: Detect Suspicious Web Activities
id: 1b3b4d57-117b-4635-96a7-7d0d2c1e54b9
status: experimental
description: |
  This Sigma rule detects suspicious web activities by matching web logs against a lookup table of suspicious IPs, user agents, and URLs.
author: Apache25
date: 2024/04/05
  product: web
  service: apache
detection: |-
  index=web_logs sourcetype=access_combined
  | lookup suspicious_activities.csv suspicious_ip AS clientip OUTPUT suspicious_ip
  | lookup suspicious_activities.csv suspicious_user_agent AS useragent OUTPUT suspicious_user_agent
  | lookup suspicious_activities.csv suspicious_url AS uri_path OUTPUT suspicious_url
  | eval is_suspicious_ip=if(isnotnull(suspicious_ip), 1, 0)
  | eval is_suspicious_user_agent=if(isnotnull(suspicious_user_agent), 1, 0)
  | eval is_suspicious_url=if(isnotnull(suspicious_url), 1, 0)
  | eval total_suspicious_score=is_suspicious_ip + is_suspicious_user_agent + is_suspicious_url
  | where total_suspicious_score > 0
  | eval suspicious_reason=case(
      is_suspicious_ip==1, "Suspicious IP",
      is_suspicious_user_agent==1, "Suspicious User Agent",
      is_suspicious_url==1, "Suspicious URL",
      total_suspicious_score==2, "Multiple Indicators",
      total_suspicious_score==3, "Highly Suspicious"
  | stats count BY clientip, useragent, uri_path, suspicious_reason
  | sort -count
  | rename clientip AS "Client IP", useragent AS "User Agent", uri_path AS "URL Path", suspicious_reason AS "Reason"
  | fields "Client IP", "User Agent", "URL Path", "Reason", count
  | eval action_required=case(
      count > 10, "Immediate Action",
      count > 5, "Review Required",
      count <= 5, "Monitor"
  | sort -action_required
  | table "Client IP", "User Agent", "URL Path", "Reason", count, action_required
  | rename count AS "Suspicious Activity Count"
  - clientip
  - useragent
  - uri_path
  - suspicious_reason
  - count
  - action_required
  - Known internal tests
  - False positives due to misconfiguration
level: high

When using the raw rules the features to validate and convert the rules will be possible. Currently, droid does not support any custom validation rule for the raw rules. However, when using droid in a CI/CD pipeline workflow, you can run another script of your own to validate these rules.