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  • Search feature
  • Export feature
    • Remove detection rules
    • Disable detection rules
  • Detection rule actions
    • Email
    • Webhook

To use Splunk, the following sections are required:

  • [platforms.splunk]: handle the basic configuration and the SIEM settings for searches and alerts
  • [platforms.splunk.savedsearch_parameters]: saved search parameters
  • [platforms.splunk.action]: action for rules

Environment variables

droid will require the following environment variables to authenticate on Splunk:

  • DROID_SPLUNK_USER: Splunk user
  • DROID_SPLUNK_PASSWORD: Splunk user password

The following environment variables can be set:

  • DROID_SPLUNK_URL: Replace the Splunk URL parameter.
  • DROID_SPLUNK_WEBHOOK_URL: Replace the Splunk webhook URL

Main config


url = "" # (1)!
verify_cert = true
port = "8089"

# user and password are passed in environment variable

test_earliest_time = "-24h@h" # (2)!
test_latest_time = "now" # When using option (--search/-s) # (3)!
job_ttl = 86400 # (4)!
acl_update_owner = "nobody" # (5)!
acl_update_perms_read = "group1, group2" # (6)!

## For alerts
# General config

earliest_time = "-1h@h" # (7)!
latest_time = "now" # (8)!
cron_schedule = "0 * * * *"
alert_expiration = "7d"
  1. The hostname of Splunk, can be replace by an env variable.

  2. Search feature (--search/-s): earliest time for the searches. It must be a Splunk time modifier.

  3. Search feature (--search/-s): latest time for the searches. It must be a Splunk time modifier.

  4. Search feature (--search/-s): Set the job TTL in seconds.

  5. Search feature (--search/-s): Set the owner of the search. Useful if droid reports for findings.

  6. Search feature (--search/-s): Set the groups read permissions.

  7. Export (deploy) feature (--export/-e): earliest time for the saved-searches. It must be a Splunk time modifier.

  8. Export (deploy) feature (--export/-e): latest time for the saved-searches. It must be a Splunk time modifier.


DROID fetches the url of Splunk via the key url but this value can be replaced with the environment DROID_SPLUNK_URL. This is also valid for webhook URL when DROID_SPLUNK_WEBHOOK_URL exists.

Savedsearch config


alert_type = "number of events"
app = "pizza_app_rules"
sharing = "app"
alert_comparator = "greater than"
alert_threshold = 0
"alert.track" = 1
allow_skew = "67%"
"alert.suppress" = 1
"alert.digest_mode" = 0 # Per result (per row)
#"alert.suppress.period" = "8h" # Optional
#"alert.suppress.fields" = "pizza_client,host" # Optional

    # [platforms.splunk.savedsearch_parameters.suppress_fields_groups.group_name]
    # Optional: define a suppress fields groups by logsource (.e.g. web)


    #category = "image_load"
    #product = "windows"


Using emails:


actions = "email"
"" = "bender.rodriguez@pizza-planet.local"
"" = "Alert: $name$"
"" = "Description: $description$"

Using webhooks:


actions = "webhook"
"action.webhook.param.url" = "" # (1)!
  1. Place your webhook URL or replace it in your env variable.